Tuesday, January 09, 2018


If many in a country want it, the country takes the plunge into the new.
The problem with the Twentieth First Century is that at several places, people were getting comfortable with the 21st century quite alright. Many of our problems seem to have been sorted.
How this problem becomes unique for the 21st is the advent of technology.
But every century has its share of 'new' one can say,
But these new things impacted the lives of the people in a direct way. They shake you inside out and produce something new out of you, whether you want it or not. But with technology, the ability to do so has been vanquished. In the sense, technology does not add anything to you. It is only the big illusion.
Say for eg, we begin with Bronze Age, Iron Age, Industrialisation, these changes were from within the collective.
With technology, the collective was truly attacked and a battered collective is unable to come up with anything new.
When I say technology, I refer to any technique that removes the ability for the human to exercise at least some part of the human to make something happen.
How dare one think of doing that to the world of humans?
Any human will not think of doing that to another human.
But who said humans were doing all the thinking?
So if technology has come from man, there is no way it can overtake man, I would have said if you had asked me yesterday.
But today, I feel by the time technology is done with us, we will have no power left in us.
Say if in the previous centuries, the new things that came were only to help us out of our misery, in this century, the new thing is making us incapable of feeling misery even. So, there we go.

Crash and burn.

And guess what if a computer crashes, you can restart it, but if a human crashes, there are no restart buttons, other than love.

So if we can't feel love, we are doomed.

I said love, because we seemed to be so good at it.
And also because of the romanticist in me, who refuses to leave, even when I want to write a serious thing about technology.
Ah, well.
I do believe love is all we need, to survive.


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