Tuesday, January 09, 2018


Any kind of supremacy arises from the feeling that the other is not able to understand that he/she/they are being used.
White supremacy: Is the white man's belief that any other is unable to understand that he/she/they are being used.
With the Africans, the colonials were able to make this institutionalize this belief.
With the Indians, the colonials never could.
For the Indians it always has been you use us, we use you.
It took us 100 years to use each other out.
After that, there was nothing left but to part ways.
With the Africans, the colonials were able to institutionalize this belief because I believe the Blacks truly view human life as one that can and must be used.

Among the Indians there may have been of course a few who do not mind being used. But they made sure their own was using the other.

For the Africans, the whole world is their own.
However, when the whole thing of using became institutionalized, they rose in a manner that only the divine can.
Dear God, you are in the blacks.

The whites who helped in the black uprising were only doing so because of lesser than divine feelings.
Human, all too human.
Is all the whites can ever be.

The browns, that is us Indians, have the option to swing either way,
we chose to remain human,
dirty shits that we are.


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