Friday, December 29, 2006

Two minutes

Member of interviewing panel(A): To the question, would you marry a non-virgin, you have answered 'no, never. I would rather make one'. Is that right?
Applicant to the post of cool youth(B): Ji haan sir. I never use second hand stuff.
A: But you would deflower as many as you can?
B: (Smiles) Ji haan sir (Confident flick of the head)
A: Why do you think anyone will want to do it with you?
B: Merko toh lagta hai main cool hun.

Interview over. Panel discusses: "Well, he is stuck up, stubborn, and quite uncool." "Perfect. We could make him cool. Let us select him!"

Cool youth C, a girl, walks in next.
A: Say all the swear words you know.
C: (Eyes well up) Swear words! I cannot say it. (Weeps)

The interview has to be cut short. Panel says: "Wow, now that is attitude. She stuck to her stand".

It is true that somewhere in the middle of watching this show, i could sense my brain wilting and dying. But here is my confession: I watched MTV Roadies to see just how much it can do. And that is when my brain died.
Shall we please observe two minutes of silence for all the brains that have been brutally massacared by this vendor of packaged cool youth?
And now you also know, why I havent been blogging for so long.


Blogger G! said...

hehe... i have to agree with you on this one... there's a masochistic appeal to watching that show... and big boss on sony too!

5:59 AM  
Blogger Prem Paul Ninan said...

But I still don't understand why you stopped blogging...:)

10:21 AM  
Blogger seena said...

gopal: exactly man. I was thinking of big boss too!
prem, i was trying to say i was in mourning for my brain and so hadnt blog

1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from morning to night, my parents watch tamil soaps forcing me to stick to the internet 24/7. i dont know if my brain is dead or theirs. there are some advantages to a busy, exhausting job

9:39 AM  
Blogger Nandhu said...

so u can be funny when u want

9:38 PM  
Blogger The Avenger !!! said...

well tell you what, that guy was a dumbass which is why he got booted out. but try selling the "good stuff" to the youth today and all you will get is a sly smirk and " kaha se aaya yeh rabindranath tagore saala" look.

brains or no brains let your gyan flow and others learn. after all being in a crazy world doesnt mean you dont do your part to set things right :)

10:39 PM  

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