Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The eavesdropper's collage

Oh... So, are you back?
Back for good? You know how I hate the silences that seep in like rain water through a leaky window. Drop by drop.
When you come back, it's better.
But how do I keep you with me always?
I have tried several things to call you back. Black coffee at a time when the night is intertwined with the dawn. There you were, somewhere in the depths. But before I knew it the fumes took you away.
The doctors say it is common. Many people before me have lost their thoughts, they tell me. But I tell them that I haven't lost you entirely. Everyday a million versions of you appear in front of me, like a many-headed; multi-coloured dragon. I just don't know which one to chase. You are too quick and too fickle for me.
They don't have a cure, too embarrassed to admit it though, eh.
And then I discovered the cure myself. I know what to do.
I eavesdrop.
So what if I plagiarise? I don't need you anymore. I have other people's thoughts.
I don't even need to chase them till the end, because I don't care.
I am stealing colours from the roads, the restaurants, the cinema halls, and everywhere I go to fill up the empty sky of my mind.
Am I free now, then?
Almost. Because in the dead of the night, there is no one I can steal from.
You win. But only almost.
I lose. But only almost, na?


Blogger Dex said...

Great post! but i ll have to sleep, sleep, sleep and then take a short nap on this to fully comprehend the coolness of this one... yo! Seena Shakeyspearey! And the black coffee reference was quite subtle, i must say ;)

10:15 AM  
Blogger G! said...


Looooooong time since you last posted... but brilliantly written.

10:29 AM  
Blogger Nandhu said...

i have been here. but is that poetry?

3:16 AM  
Blogger Nandhu said...

i have been here. but is that poetry?

3:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't lose the thread of your thoughts. Someday when my home is empty, I shall come and make a home in your thoughts. I won't steal them, why should I when I can live in them. I won't disturb you, you won't even know I am there. I will soon run out of things to think about. Then I will think your thoughts.

3:38 AM  
Blogger Nandhu said...

oh no! a chain reaction has been set off here.

7:30 AM  

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