Tuesday, September 05, 2006


There must have been a time when it was all out in the open.
Stretched out proudly, letting the rays of the sun and the drops of the rain touch every single pore and side of its existence.
I don't remember such a time but I would like to believe that it was there somewhere as uni-dimensional spaces make me feel claustrophobic.
It is almost akin to the feeling I get when the a phone rings continuously, near my ears. It is the feeling of an unanswered emptiness.
So I tell myself: This is how it must have happened...
There was this yellow city somewhere at a time when corners and crevices were allowed to exist. All the colours danced in and out and around the city, but I call it yellow because yellow registers. Every morning, people in the city could see the colours floating around in various shapes and colours. And it stayed that way till it went to sleep when it was warm and took up the colour of dreams.
One day, the clean-up warriors arrived. "Oh so much colour. Can we sweep it off somewhere?" Thank god the city had aforementioned corners and crevices. Two years of dedicated work was all it took for them to sweep away all the colours into these spaces.
For people who missed the colours, these spaces became welcome deviations.
Then the straighten-up warriors marched in. "Oh what are all these corners and crevices for? We need to smoothen things up." So, within three more years of focussed efforts, all the corners and crevices were stitched up.
That is how it must have come about.
That here I am in a smooth and straight city. Where colours hid into the corners and corners disappeared in the vastness of possibilities.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

poetic injustice

1:44 PM  
Blogger Beq said...

Yellow is a warm colour...at least I think so. Anyway, yellow is the colour most likely to be found in the crevices of the Golden Fortress...as are blue whispers.

2:07 AM  

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