Friday, October 06, 2006


I will not write a poem.
Believe me, this is prose.
But it is abrupt. And before I can say this in its entreity my thoughts like waves crash and disintegrate. So all I have is foam.
Foam is poetry. It is what you want it to be.
White, transparent, naked.
Don't the feel-good-shows ask you to feel proud of your body?
So why do you wince at the word naked?
You make me laugh.
In a crowded bus when the world strips you naked it is tough to feel that proud allright.
Please don't prod into it hard.
It hurts.
And then in the dark I can hear the paper weeping.
What do I tell it?
I suggest abortion.
Kill it.
Torn and tattered she lies in the bin.
The poem or the prose..
Nobody knows. And I wont tell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i scared when u r in these moods. but i also love u the most when u talk on that level

6:45 AM  
Blogger Nandhu said...

i feel more and more that i never understand poetry.

10:41 AM  
Blogger G! said...

sathe wuz here.

actually, am a little too floored to leave a real comment :)

11:26 AM  
Blogger textmeh said...

jus came in...after mad pard-nerrr! you make sense t9o me like u always did...under 2 am skies

5:37 AM  
Blogger seena said...

u have a blog, road tripper! one of the many songs, we heard together on my almost dead walkman!

10:49 AM  

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