Tuesday, July 07, 2020

About our time

I do not know if "May you live in interesting times" is actually a Chinese curse, or if it is something slick you can say, but we are living in interesting times now.
We have always lived in interesting times I believe, because interest is something human beings need to carry on with the whole thing.
If one finds something interesting, one puts in the effort to carry it out and that holds for life too.
I do believe social media makes people lose interest in everything. Even the most hardened social media warrior finds it necessary to take a break at times, because it is just not a natural way of conversing, creating or being.
You may argue that nothing about modern life is natural, but if we assume modernity has been with us for say well over two hundred years, then slowly we are getting comfortable with it and it becomes natural to our being. Modern life also affords you some time for introspection, thinking and understanding. So even if many things seem like they are unnatural, you (as a species) are given the time to deal with that.
Social media and its disruptive, loud, noisy, annoying discourse snatches that away from humans. And what is more insulting is the fact that it allows even the most non-modern human to wear the garb of modernity without having to go through the initiation process.
I do wish the virus had got social media instead of humans.


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