Saturday, October 06, 2018

International day of the girl child

This day is particularly significant as it is not only a celebration of the girl child, but also is the time  to acknowledge the need for something, take stock of the progress made so far, and making concrete strategies for tomorrow.
It is a great honour for my company to be a participant of the process.
Complete equality of access is the goal and as corporates, we have a responsibility to facilitate this. We have to ensure that as a people, any kind of dicrimination is unpardonable as we cannot afford to make mistakes as the main drivers of the emerging economy.
If I look around in the job market, I am happy to note that today more than ever the talent pool includes a considerable number of women as men. This is an opportunity to tell the girl child that nothing is impossible, including being leaders. Economy turns out be a stubborn place too, reluctant to let go of the reins.
With the ‘be the ceo/cto/cfo for a day, we want to be a part of the shake-up.


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